Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Choice, Love and Trust

It has often been said that our business is a personal development program disguised as a business opportunity. You may ask why all this "stuff" about personal development? Personal development - change - is necessary because to have a better, bigger life you must BE a different person than you are today.

Here is a daily mantra for you - There is nothing I cannot be, there is nothing I cannot do, there is nothing I cannot have.

Belief in yourself leads to loving yourself. When you love yourself unconditionaly you can love others unconditionaly. Unconditional love is the Universe's greatest gift and leads to its greatest promise - unlimited potential.

Doubt about your future, doubt about acheiving your goals, doubt about anything leads to fear. This fear arises from your choice to doubt the wisdom of the Universe.

Another way of putting this is - if I don't go within I will go without.

Nothing happens by accident; there are no coincidences. All you have in your life, everything that has ever happened and everthing that ever will happen arises out of choice. The Universe will deliver inaccordance with your choice to BE who you are.

When you are ready, when you are being who you need to be to get what you want it will happen. By the way, you may get there by a different route and timing than you expected. No, matter; trust the Universe, love unconditionally and choose to be the person you need to be.

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