Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Creating Momentum in Your Business

So far we have talked a lot about momentum - what it is, why it is important, how it will unfold with the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa , and how it has already begun for some distributors. What about your business? You may be asking yourself, "how on earth do I create momentum in my business?" So how do you capture this momentum for your business? Here is what I have learned.

Here is a short list of must do's to create momentum:

  • Be crystal clear about your WHY.

  • Write down specific financial goals with dates.

  • Take consistent action! Demo the Galvanic Spa every day.

  • After each demo, show how you make money and ask if they would like to join you.

  • Use your upline; connect your prospects and new distributors via 3-way call.

  • Always sponsor those who want to make money with 5 kits - this is vital to their success.

  • Teach your new people to teach others so you create duplication.

  • Track your activities each day and review your progress weekly with your upline.

  • Always do what is best for your downline; create a culture of goodness.

  • Every day read to enrich your mind and improve yourself.

Have fun! You have the ability to change lives for the better. Make a difference today and every day.

More on Momentum

I have been building my business with Nu Skin and Pharmanex for 15 years. When I started I didn’t know anything about the business or about the network marketing industry. I learned over the years that our business, like all businesses, goes through cycles or phases. It turns out I started at the very tail of the last momentum period in North America. I have been waiting 15 years to see momentum. Well the waiting is over!

Let me tell you about a conference call I listened to last Saturday. This was likely the most exciting conference call I have ever heard! The call is hosted by Dan McCormick Dan is a Nu Skin Team Elite in Southern California and has been in the industry for 26 years. This is the third momentum wave he has experienced. According to Dan ALL the signs of momentum are here and he has never seen anything this good and this certain. He says Nu Skin NOW is the greatest ground floor MLM opportunity ever. And he should know.

Luckily, Dan posted the call on his web site at

Scroll down the page and click on Oct. 4.

One of the strongest indicators that momentum growth is coming is when some distributor groups in various parts of North America see sudden unprecedented growth. Here are some examples from the call:

  • Two years ago one of our leaders came to Nu skin from another company he ahs created the same growth (and income0 in the past 18 months as he did in 18 years with the other company.

  • Roz, a leader in Edmonton saw her group grow 40% ($100,000) in one month.
    A realtor experienced group sales of $25,000 in her first month!

  • Wendy Wise went from start to Blue Diamond in five months by doing a Galvanic demo every day.

  • Some new distributors are reaching the Executive level in days rather than months.

These are truly unusual results and only happen when momentum is being created. Right now these are pockets of momentum growth scattered about. As we move into 2009 with the full launch of the ageLOC products the momentum will spread (see September 17, 2008 posting)

NEXT – how to create momentum in YOUR business.

Nu Skin - why this business NOW?

In my last post I took you through the Momentum Process and what that means for your Nu Skin business. Let's look at a few other reasons why now is the best time ever for you to grow your business.

1. The fear factor - it is now clear that the U.S. economy - no make that the global economy - is tanking. Some peole have lost their job and many many people are beginning to worry about their job or their business.

2. The galvanic Spa is a product every baby boomer wants. It is the ONLY product I have ever seen that actually sells itself. The magic is in the mirror.

3. Nu Skin is rock solid financially and will be there for you for life. They have been through momentum before and they know how to manage it.

4. We have a proven SYSTEM that we know builds successful businesses.

5. The ENTIRE Nu Skin leadership in the field is cooperating to ensure that you know what to do and get help in building your business.

NEXT - More on Momentum

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Momentum - the Key to Your Success

Understanding the Timing
From a business perspective timing, timing, timing is critical. You are in the right place, at the right time, right now. You have a window of opportunity to position yourself and I believe that window will be about 18 months before we really see ageLOC catch on fire all over the world. Nu Skin sales globally are exploding in what is perhaps the worst economic times seen for the past 20 years.

The company has seen 10 consecutive months of growth. This has been led by sales of the Galvanic Spa and Gels. With TruFace Essence & ageLOC launching around the world by the end of the year we are set for an explosive 2009.

Time Line of the Opportunity
Phase 1 - Premarket < YOU ARE HERE NOW >
Pre-marketing before November 2008 - This is a time to preposition as an early adopter visionary in the opportunity. This is the hardest and most difficult time as many people will not persevere through this stage. Those who have vision and build a foundation are well positioned for the future.

Phase 2 - Soft Launch
Soft launch of ageLOC in the Galvanic Gels will occur at the Regional Convention in Salt Lake City October 23-25. This will mark the test phase where you will be able build up momentum in your business focused on the launch of ageLOC in early 2009.

Phase 3 - Launch
Launch of ageLOC in 2009 - The Company will launch their flagship stand alone product with ageLOC. The company is also working on a internal AgeLoc product which will be launched through Pharmanex. The combination of anti-aging from the outside in and the inside out is sure to explode volumes.

Phase 4 - Concentration

The hype is gone and the 'get rich quick guys' leave and the true leaders dig in and spread the news. This phase can last from 18 - 24 months as ageLOC starts to become known. This is also where most people will have heard something about the Galvanic Spa, Essence & ageLOC but haven't tried it yet.

Phase 5 - Critical Mass
Critical Mass is sometimes known as a tipping point where enough people are talking about ageLOC that it starts a frenzy of sales. It is absolutely critical that you build at least a solid Ruby business before we reach Critical Mass. This will give you a large enough organisation to catch the wave.

Phase 6 - Momentum
This period is fast and furious and huge incomes can be made very quickly in this period. Typically this window will last for 18 - 24 months with vertical sales. With a product category as large as anti-ageing this window could last for much longer. In Nu Skin's first momentum phase back in 1988 - 1991 the company grew from 50 million in sales to over 500 million dollars in sales. There have been estimates that we could grow from US$ 1 billion to US$5 billion or greater. This is called the billion dollar multiplier effect.

In 1988 the distributors who had prepositioned had huge growth. Your upline Team Elite John & Giselle Sexsmith grew from US$4,500 a month to over US$170,000 a month. There are stories of cheques which grew into as much of US$ 300,000 - US$ 400,000 a month. The largest cheque paid during this time approached US$500,000 for a single month. See the company comp plan for averages....

The bigger the foundation you build the bigger the market share you will capture in Momentum.

Phase 7 - Stability
Stability is where you get to sit back and enjoy lifestyle and freedom. For some of you this will be a comfortable six figure income or even higher. This phase is based on satisfied customers who will be using ageLOC and other Nu Skin and Pharmanex products forever.

Right now, you are at the tail end of Phase 1 now the rest if up to you. Will you grab the opportunity and take the action required or will you look back with hind sight and regret not taking action? All I can say is that you are in the right place, at the right time, right now!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Big Picture

My Purpose
My Major Definite Purpose is to become a Team Elite in two years. This is my Passion, my Obsession. To reach my goal I need to help you reach your goals.

How I Can help You
The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge and experience to help you grow your business with Nu Skin Enterprises (Nu Skin). I will focus mainly on the new distributor and what you need to do in the first 30 to 90 days of your business to set yourself up for success. Those of you on the Livewell team who have been around a while - pay attention - you will learn too. I welcome your questions. As the old saying goes there are no stupid questions - ask away. If you have a question you can be sure someone else does as well.

Why Nu Skin Now?
I am going to asume you started your business to make money. I know you want to help people and make a difference - you will! Money gives you more choices and greater opportunity to make a difference. Have big goals, make a lot of money and make a huge difference! Are you ready for the ride of your life? I am going to share with you what I have learned about what works and what doesn't. This way you can learn from my mistakes and reach your goals faster.

Your Path to Success
Once you become a distributor there are a number of benchmarks in your Nu Skin journey:
1. Executive distributor where you start to make real money;
2. Ruby executive level and the Ruby trip (this will blow your mind);
3. Diamond executive level and enjoy serious leveredged income;
4. Blue Diamond where you access the full compensation available; and
5. Team Elite status as one of the top leaders who enjoy financial freedom for life.

You build your business in five stages. How long you take to reach each step is up to you. With the unprecedented momentum growth of Nu Skin in Canada and worldwide since January, 2008 you will be able to achieve all of these goals within two to three years if you build your business correctly - even starting part time!

Next - Momentum and what it mean for your business.