I have been building my business with Nu Skin and Pharmanex for 15 years. When I started I didn’t know anything about the business or about the network marketing industry. I learned over the years that our business, like all businesses, goes through cycles or phases. It turns out I started at the very tail of the last momentum period in North America. I have been waiting 15 years to see momentum. Well the waiting is over!
Let me tell you about a conference call I listened to last Saturday. This was likely the most exciting conference call I have ever heard! The call is hosted by Dan McCormick Dan is a Nu Skin Team Elite in Southern California and has been in the industry for 26 years. This is the third momentum wave he has experienced. According to Dan ALL the signs of momentum are here and he has never seen anything this good and this certain. He says Nu Skin NOW is the greatest ground floor MLM opportunity ever. And he should know.
Luckily, Dan posted the call on his web site at
Scroll down the page and click on Oct. 4.
One of the strongest indicators that momentum growth is coming is when some distributor groups in various parts of North America see sudden unprecedented growth. Here are some examples from the call:
- Two years ago one of our leaders came to Nu skin from another company he ahs created the same growth (and income0 in the past 18 months as he did in 18 years with the other company.
- Roz, a leader in Edmonton saw her group grow 40% ($100,000) in one month.
A realtor experienced group sales of $25,000 in her first month!
- Wendy Wise went from start to Blue Diamond in five months by doing a Galvanic demo every day.
- Some new distributors are reaching the Executive level in days rather than months.
These are truly unusual results and only happen when momentum is being created. Right now these are pockets of momentum growth scattered about. As we move into 2009 with the full launch of the ageLOC products the momentum will spread (see September 17, 2008 posting)
NEXT – how to create momentum in YOUR business.