Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Creating Momentum in Your Business

So far we have talked a lot about momentum - what it is, why it is important, how it will unfold with the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa , and how it has already begun for some distributors. What about your business? You may be asking yourself, "how on earth do I create momentum in my business?" So how do you capture this momentum for your business? Here is what I have learned.

Here is a short list of must do's to create momentum:

  • Be crystal clear about your WHY.

  • Write down specific financial goals with dates.

  • Take consistent action! Demo the Galvanic Spa every day.

  • After each demo, show how you make money and ask if they would like to join you.

  • Use your upline; connect your prospects and new distributors via 3-way call.

  • Always sponsor those who want to make money with 5 kits - this is vital to their success.

  • Teach your new people to teach others so you create duplication.

  • Track your activities each day and review your progress weekly with your upline.

  • Always do what is best for your downline; create a culture of goodness.

  • Every day read to enrich your mind and improve yourself.

Have fun! You have the ability to change lives for the better. Make a difference today and every day.

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